Time for another update. We've processed all standing orders and won't take new ones until we've returned, best not to be more specific than that for now. ;)We only got two orders on our new product "Mexikanskt Bush Weed", it will largely be up to their feedback if we decide to skip or continue with this product after we've returned. We've officially got our Bond Refund today as it's been exactly six weeks ago since we registered. Other than that we're trying to find alternate sources for product as the market demands better quality overall and we can currently only compete in price which doesn't seem that interesting for the majority of buyers.We did a pretty major update to the Presentation again, it will likely not change much in the future from this:QuoteSvenska: Sk efter "Svensk Sektion" fr Svenska. Senaste Uppdatering: 2013-06-30 18:00 GMT+1English: Search after "English Section" for English. Last Update: 2013-06-30 18:00 GMT+1Observera att vi kommer vara borta en vecka frn och med 2013-06-28, vi tar emot ordrar upp till det datumet.Observe that we're going to be away for one week starting from 2013-06-28, we will accept orders up to that date.----------Svensk SektionA-SE) IntroduktionB-SE) KommunikationC-SE) FrsljningsvillkorD-SE) LeveransE-SE) TvisterF-SE) ForumG-SE) Vanliga FrgorH-SE) PGP-NyckelA-SE) IntroduktionVi r en svensk frsljare som primrt sljer importerat Hash och Cannabis och sekundrt vra egna produkter.Vi efterstrvar att bli den bsta inrikesfrsljaren i Sverige p Silk Road och arbetar aktivt mot det ndamlet.Vi registrerade oss p Silk Road 2013-05-16 och brjade slja inrikes i Sverige 2013-05-28.B-SE) KommunikationLs igenom vr profil innan ni kontaktar oss. Vi kan ns p fljande stt:Silk Road (Primrt): http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/user/bb9a215445Silk Road Forumet: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?action=profile;u=70301 E-mail: burningbabylon@fastmail.fm eller burningbabylon@tormail.orgC-SE) FrsljningsvillkorVra ordrar skickas alltid med minst ett lager av av Moisture Barrier Bag. Vi varierar vra frpackningsmetoder tidvis.Vra ordrar skickas alltid utan sprning, vi har inget alternativ dr sprning ingr.Om ni bestller frn oss accepterar ni vad som str skrivet i Frsljningsvillkor, Leverans och Tvister.D-SE) LeveransNr det gller leveranstider r det fljande tider som gller fr att vi generellt sett ska skicka det samma dag:Mndag, Tisdag, Onsdag, Torsdag, Fredag: Fredag: 12:00 GMT+1Lrdag, Sndag: Skickas p mndag.Fr mer information om hur Posten fungerar i Sverige, see forumtrden Mail Systems around the World:http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=172854.msg1240495#msg1240495E-SE) TvisterVerifikationsbrev ger en bonus vid en tvist med oss: http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/b5fe4b30ffDen frsta procentuella satsen r fr vanliga kunder medan den andra r fr de som innehar ett Verifikationsbrev.Vid bevis p en beslagtagen order inrikes terbetalar vi 75 % / 100%.Vid bevis p en beslagtagen order utrikes terbetalar vi 45% / 75%, alternativt ett frsk till terfrsndning.Fr en order som inte har kommit fram av andra anledningar terbetalar vi 15% / 50%, exlusive terfrsndningar.F-SE) ForumVr Profil p Forumet fr Silk Road: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?action=profile;u=70301Vr egen Forumstrd: New Vendor - Burning Babylon: dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=160527.msg1243955Vr Projekttrd: Projects - Burning Babylon: dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=176865.msg1276733G-SE) Vanliga Frgor01-SE) Krypterar du din(a) dator(er)?02-SE) All kundinformation tas bort efter avklarat kp?03-SE) Finns det ngra ytterligare skerhetstgrder frutom de nuvarande angivna?04-SE) Vad r standarden p produt X?05-SE) Varfr kom inte mitt paket fram efter X antal dagar?06-SE) Kan jag f ett sample av produkt X?01-SE) Ja, vi kr konventionell TrueCrypt-kryptering i kombination med KeePass och lsenordsscheman.02-SE) Ja, dels r det ett av kravena frn Silk Road och det finns ingen anledning fr oss att lmna bevis som kan kopplas till oss.03-SE) Inte ngot som frhindrar lukten utver det, men det kommer inte g att knna produkten p paketet i sig sjlv och om det gr upp av misstag kommer man inte se vad som r inuti utan att ppna precis allt.04-SE) Om vi inte har specifierat en standard i produktlistningen har vi tyvrr inte s mycket att g p frutom att kunna jmfra den med de typer vi haft innan. Skriver vi till exempel Standard Plus innebr det att det r marginellt bttre n den Standard vi normallt sett brukar ha inne, men hur den jmfr sig med konkurrenterna r svrt att sga utan att testa deras varianter.05-SE) Efter att vi lagt ett brev i en brevlda r det postens ansvar att leverera i tid, vilket de tyvrr r vldigt oberkneliga p att gra. Om du vill skerstlla att din adress fungerar och se hur lngt tid det tar fr oss att leverera, prova vr produkt Verifikationsbrev: http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/b5fe4b30ff06-SE) Vi erbjuder inga subventionerade produkter, men fr mindre mngder kontakta oss.H-SE) PGP-Nyckel-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)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aUE6-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK---------------English SectionA-EN) IntroductionB-EN) CommunicationC-EN) Terms of SaleD-EN) ShippingE-EN) DisputesF-EN) ForumG-EN) Frequently Asked QuestionsH-EN) PGP KeyA-EN) IntroductionWe are a swedish vendor who primarily sell imported Hash and Cannabis and secondarily our own products.We strive to become the best domestic seller in Sweden on Silk Road and work continously towards that endeavor.We registered on Silk Road 2013-05-06 and started selling domestically within Sweden 2013-05-28.B-EN) CommunicationRead through our profile before contacting us. We can be reached the following ways:Silk Road (Primary): http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/user/bb9a215445Silk Road Forums: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?action=profile;u=70301E-mail: burningbabylon@fastmail.fm or burningbabylon@tormail.orgC-EN) Terms of SaleOur orders are always sent with at least one layer of a Moisture Barrier Bag. We vary our packaging methods at times.Our orders are always sent without tracking, we have no alternative where tracking is included.If you order from us you accept what's been written in Terms of Sale, Shipping and Disputes.D-EN) ShippingConcerning delivery if one orders before the following times one will generally get the package sent the same day: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 12:00 GMT+1Saturday, Sunday: Will be sent on Monday.For more information on how Posten operates in Sweden, see the forum thread Mail Systems around the World:http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=172854.msg1240495#msg1240495E-EN) DisputesVerification Letter gives a bonus when having a dispute with us: http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/ff16ca31eeThe first percentage rate is for ordinary customers while the second is for those in possession of a Verification Letter.With evidence of a seized order domestically we will repay you 75% / 100%.With evidence of a seized order internationally we will repay you 45% / 75%, alternatively attempt to reship once.For any order that hasn't arrived due to other reasons we will repay you 15% / 50% excluding a reshipment.F-EN) ForumOur Profile on the Forums for Silk Road: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?action=profile;u=70301Our own Forum Thread: New Vendor - Burning Babylon: dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=160527.msg1243955Our Project Forum Thread: Projects - Burning Babylon: dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=176865.msg1276733G-EN) Frequently Asked Questions01-EN) Do you encrypt your computer(s)?02-EN) Is all customer information removed after a completed trade?03-EN) Are there any additional security types beyond the current stated ones?04-EN) What is the standard of product X?05-EN) Why didn't my package arrive after X amount of days?06-EN) Can I have a sample of product X?01-EN) Yes, we use conventional TrueCrypt encryption in combination with KeePass and password schedules.02-EN) Yes, partly it's required by Silk Road and there is no reason for us to keep evidence incriminating us.03-EN) None that effect the smell of the package, but it will not be possible to feel the product itself through the package and if it opens by mistake it will be no way of telling what it is without opening all of it.04-EN) If we haven't specified a product standard in our listing we don't have that much more information to go on except to compare it to our own previous types of products. If we for example write Standard Plus it means it's marginally better than the Standard we normally have in, but it's difficult to tell how well it compares with our competitors without testing their variants.05-EN) After we've put the letter in a post box it's up to the postal service to deliver in time, something they're unfortunately very unpredictable on doing. If you want to be ensured that your address is working and see how long it takes for us to deliver, try our product Verification Letter: http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/ff16ca31ee06-EN) We don't offer any subsidized products, but for smaller amounts contact us.H-EN) PGP Key-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)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aUE6-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----I'm moving over all Small-Time projects to the thread Projects - Burning Babylon: dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=176865.msg1276733 after this post.Here is the last official update on all Projects at the same time in this thread (I might still highlight individual projects at a later date though) :Completed Small-Time Projects:* Find a material which works for envelopes for very small quantities of product which has the ability to bend at a slight angle. ( Date: 2013-06-30 )Semi-dropped, will just use paper and occasionally some thin cardboard. Other options available at a later date.* Find out what happens to domestic mail in Sweden which doesn't arrive and has no return address. ( Date: 2013-06-30 )Solved, the answer is it goes to Kiruna. An article detailing the process in Swedish: http://www.nsd.se/nyheter/kiruna/artikel.aspx?ArticleId=6330545 * Register one or two VPNs, see list at http://torrentfreak.com/vpn-services-that-take-your-anonymity-seriously-2013-edition-130302/ ( Date: 2013-06-30 )Formulated into VPN Services That Take Your Anonymity Seriously, 2013 Edition: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=177551.0* Include a Success Rate in the presentation for all countries (currently only Sweden). ( Date: 2013-06-30 )Done, see presentation: http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/user/bb9a215445* Complete the Password List. ( Date: 2013-06-30 )Semi-dropped, the Identification Section will be replaced with something else as there are better alternatives with sites like http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/* Complete rules for address formatting so it's consistent with every order. ( Date: 2013-06-30 )Semi-dropped, turns out the postal equipment has been upgraded the last ten years so this is no longer a factor.* Find applications for call centers, see if it's possible to set up a custom one on a server somewhere and if encryption is possible or not. ( Date: 2013-06-30 )Formulated into Open Source PBX Solutions - Call Center Management: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=178577.0* Look up Steganography and related applications. ( Date: 2013-06-30 )The ability to hide information inside Images, fun concept but not as valid or safe as PGP in itself.* Research all Domestic Hash Vendors and see if they have any forum accounts and if so what kind of orientation they've taken. ( Date: 2013-06-30 )There are currently 9 Domestic Hash Vendors in Sweden, they are as follows with amount of posts in parentheses:Alexandrus (11), Burning Babylon (92), ChrisHash (56), LinasBodega (?), Northman (?), phantasy (?), redcross (2), S W E R O A D (?) and SweExpress (?).Shows how insignificant a forum presence is in the end, it's all about the product quality and to a minor extent the price.* Send some random mail with tracking to see exactly what route it takes domestically and how long it takes.Semi-dropped, replaced with trying to find out from Posten what the difference between nearby Postal Boxes are.Also cheapest type of tracking costs 54 SEK which is absurdly expensive and also requires signing unfortunately.* Find out how https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gearandroid.phoneleashfree works in detail.*Semi-dropped, replaced with figuring out how to setup a Bitcoin Store or acquiring a Virtual Number instead.* Find better ruler(s) to more easily cut up Moisture Barrier Bags.Solved, need to acquire Skrunderlgg / Rotary Cutting Mat, Kvadrat/Rektangel/Tvrgraderad Linjal / OmniGrip Ruler/Acrylic Ruler and Rullkniv / Rotary Cutter.* Find a better base for the table which can take handle more abuse and is easier to clean.Solved, need to acquire Skrunderlgg / Rotary Cutting Mat.Our current Small-Time Projects:* Commission an artist for a Burning Babylon-logo and icons/images for different types of hash.* Commission a programmer to create a custom application for printing addresses quicklier for the labels.* Find an inventory management system/application.* Find alternative padding materials to candy for packaging.* Create a full process overview of the whole chain of events.* Create description/rules for Custom Orders, with the limits on 25, 50, 75 and 100 grams for discounts.* Give each product a unique identifier which will never change for that specific product.* See what kind of padding material could be useful for packaging.* Attain a fake ID(s) and fake virtual address(es), use them for return addresses so one will know if a package hasn't been delivered.* Try and find more variants on containers, preferably plastic and wooden ones.* Try and find some information/documentary on how "Coffeeshops" operate in the Netherlands.* Figure out how https://safepaperwallet.com/shop/ works more in detail.* Register new domain, use a vendor from https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Trade#Domain_Name_and_DNS_Hosting* Custom built application for above mentioned project where it's possible to pick exactly what data to copy to a specific hard drive.* Find out more about candy trays similar to http://www.sugarcraft.com/catalog/candies/candytrays.htm#trays* Start creating Fake Identities through http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/ with the purpose of asking questions on various matters anonymously - combine with VPN.* See if one legit fake identity along with a VPN can be acquired, posted publicly (if allowed by the ID vendor) and then used by the forum as a whole to research various subjects.* Try and find out why the local postal service has been so slow on delivering certain letters.* Order more types of labels so there's more than one dimension available.